A team of volunteers from J Browne had a fantastic day with our local community environment partners, the Canal & River Trust, refurbishing a section of railings on the Lee Navigation near our Enfield HQ. This is an ongoing initiative where we have adopted a section of the waterway and we have committed to enhance our section over the next year and beyond.
Thames Water Capital Delivery Framework placement
Southern Water contract extension
Reservoir Maintenance Forum
J Browne launches ‘Mates in Mind’ Mental Health Awareness Programme
Southern Water Service Reservoir Framework Award to 2023
We are delighted to announce that J Browne have recently been awarded the water service reservoir maintenance framework with Southern Water for a 4 year term, with a possible extension for a further 4 years. This award will keep us in place until at least 2023 on this contract. This award builds on the close working relationship developed with Southern Water on other framework agreements since 2015.
Electric charging points installed at Head Office
Thames Water Reservoir Repair and Maintenance Framework extension
We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded an extension our Reservoir Repair and Maintenance framework agreement with Thames Water. J Browne has been carrying out the Service Reservoir Framework Agreement, including water towers, very effectively since 1992. We have successfully retained the agreement on four consecutive occasions, with the current agreement being now extended to September 2020.